Disciples Making disciples
Jesus called all Christians to be disciples and make disciples. He said to go make disciples, baptizing and teaching them to obey all that He had commanded. The Holy Spirit will guide us about the discipling process. Radical discipleship desires the maximum expression of Jesus' life in living life, not the minimum requirements.
In an unreached people group the process can mean partnering with indigenous Bible storytellers who do the discipling. In your local community, it can mean guiding a small group of likeminded people through a workbook titled The Call to Radical Discipleship which is based on the Sermon On The Mount. When you pray for revival locally and globally, discipleship is an integral part of revival. When you guide a discipleship group, God uses you to do what you have asked Him to do.
Of the 400 million evangelical Christians in the world, 60% of them live in Africa and Asia which is home to 90% of all unreached people groups. If 1% of them discipled two others and each disciple thereafter did the same annually, then within 12 years everyone in the world would be discipled. A disciplemaking movement begins with you. The greatest concerted attack against the Body of Christ for the past 2,000 years has been against disciple making. It's time for Christians to launch an exponential disciple making counterattack.