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Purchase This Honey to Help Us Raise Money!


Jesus Said Go has partnered with Bee My Blessing honey products.  


Our honey sales are used to multiply indigenous Bible storytellers, disciple makers, Bible story groups, and churches in the unreached people groups of West Africa.  Our mission goal is to do this until everyone in each unreached people group has access to God's Word and Christian fellowship.  God promises, "I will send out my word and it will always produce fruit. It will accomplish all I want and prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55.11 NLT 


Jesus Said Go is offering Bee My Blessing’s honey products as a means of fundraising to cover mission expenses.  When you purchase any of these honey products, 100% of net profit is used to create a win on all levels, and a sweet way to spread the mission further than anyone could imagine.  “Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off”. Proverbs 24:14


Click the Honey Store link below and browse our store for the sweetest treats or gifts that support our great mission. 


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